Monday, October 27, 2008

Inaugral Woodlot Run

Like two Fireballs hurled out of the mouth of Mount Mesuvious.
It had been nearly a decade since either of us had ventured out on one of these two-wheeled contraptions -- Let alone hurling ourselves down a mountainside. Yet, somehow, encapsulated within this boyhood pastime was an energy long since forgotten.

About two months prior Jordan and I had gone on a ride through the now tame looking Hayward Lake Trail wondering what the future held for us, and now it had become apparent that Woodlot was thy name. What a magnificent mix of terrain. We arrived in the parking lot of the Woodlot around 9:30am, saddled up and started our 1 1/2 hike to the power-line clearing, not a soul to be seen until closer to the top of the trail.

Once we had taken our meal break we laced up our gear and heading down The Carpenter Trail first. I had no idea what was in-store for me, but I was sure thankful my lovely wife splurged on a set of shin guards for me earlier this week (A previous mishap had hampered my attempt to embrace the Woodlot -- Who knew bicycle gears could be so sharp?). Flowy terrain, some great single-track lines - a great way to warm up for our next mission: Tsuga.

You know the old saying "It's like riding a bike, you never forget"? Well, that's only half true. Yes I remembered how to peddle and turn the handle bars, and I could even navigate through, around and over some mild bumps and berms -- but I do not remember how to launch myself over steep embankments and 15' jumps (I don't remember dear ol' Dad covering that one with the training wheels) needless to say my first Trail was a gong show. By the time I had reached Tsuga I figured I had seen the worst of it and now I could focus on doing some log rides. I was wrong, dead wrong. At one point we rode through single track with a patch with larger rocks and roots, my balance gave way and before I knew it I was flying down onto a fallen tree. Thank goodness for my backpack breaking my fall. Now that the first fall of the day had happened, it was time for some fun.

We finished up Tsuga and headed down Snakes & Ladders next. En route we ran into a troop of full susser's with a lone hardtail ripping through and I heard the hardtailer shout
"I can't believe it! I'm not the only one out here on a hardtail!"
Yep -- you sir, were not. Snakes & Ladders is rippin' good time. Flows really well, some super fun single tracks and even a seesaw (No, we didn't attempt this time out).

Next up -- Quick Hit. Just like the name implies, its a pretty quick hit but its packed with some little kickers and gnarly drops and berms, which leads me into our last run of the day; Shotgun. We scooted through there like a hot knife through butter, by far the shortest trail of the day but my personal favourite.

A first for me, a multiple for Jordan, a must for anyone who hasn't yet partaken of the fruits of the Woodlot. Cheers to the builders of these fine trails -- You guys rock!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

oh shotgun, how I love thee.

Definitely the best trail. Actually that and Goldmine. So flowy.